Aleksei Perlin


Upside Development


Alexey Perlin.General Director of the development company «Upside Development». Born on February 18, 1986. In 2008 he graduated from the International Law Faculty of MGIMO, in2010 – from the Higher School of Economics under the program «Economics. Real estate management». In2014 – Intensive MBA of PwC Academy. In2011, he began to develop an investment direction, which became an independent full-cycle development company, which today is called «Upside Development» and is one of the most reliable and stable private companies. To date, the company’s portfolio consists of projects of both large-scale and point development with a total construction area of more than430,000sq. m, including built and under construction objects in the premium, business, and comfort class segments: the residential complex «Love and Doves»(two stages of construction), the residential complex «Panorama Skolkovo», club Yunnaty House, premium club house Danilov House, Clementine apartment complex/ In2023, the company began construction and implementation of a large–scale project - the Upside Towers skyscraper quarter with a total construction area of225,000sq.m., including residential, commercial, social facilities, construction of a school and kindergarten, landscaping of a landscape park and a walking boulevard. Upside Development(from2011 to2023 under the SMU-6Investments brand)and its projects have received recognition in the real estate market and have been awarded leading Russian real estate awards.